climatol 2024-03-23
- climatol2rclimdex: Issues message error in the absence of common station
codes in the three variables involved.
- csv2climatol: Lines without observation are now disregarded.
- dahstat: Fixed bug when stat='series' and only one series was requested.
- daily2climatol: Data columns may be only two if the first one contains dates
in Date or POSIX format. Bug in removing lines with no data fixed.
- datrestore: New function to restore deleted outliers checked as true into
the dah matrix of homogenized series contained in the *.rda output results.
- diagwl: Is now resistant to missing data in the input series, and the
parameter shem is guessed. Corrected inconsistencies between parameters
yeari, yearf and per.
- fix.sunshine: Changes negative values to zeros.
- homogen:
- Adjusts break-points in a single series with a single trusted reference
without the need to set force=TRUE.
- niqd defaults to c(4,1) instead of 3 to delete clearly wrong data and long
runs of identical data (with niqd>1).
- Fixes a problem that prevented to draw high resolution coastlines in the
map of stations.
- Fixes the bug of extra %d in sprintf("dahstat(...)#averages",...)
- outliers not deleted because of having only one reference are not plotted
in red anymore in the final histogram of standardized anomalies.
- new consistency check when data seem sub-daily.
- IDFcurves: Hourly data are now allowed and issues with legend have been fixed.
- rclimdex2climatol: Fixed bug when reading the stations file.
- windrose: New parameters allow to choose the number of wind directions and to
define the wind speed classes.
climatol 2023-04-09
- Only the three first parameters are needed in the homogen() function to
process any climatic variable. The rest of parameters are guessed or have
safe default values.
- This function begins now with a quality control checking for extreme values,
increments into successive data and number of consecutive data of identical
- Precipitation data accumulated during several days can be dissaggregated.
- Optional data transformation has been removed because the ratio normalization
yields better results.
- A new test (Cucconi) has been added which has the ability to detect both
changes in mean and variance. SNHT is still de default test, but the
thresholds are now named 'inht'.
- New utility functions to help in preparing input files with the required
format: sef2climatol, xls2csv and csv2climatol
- The unsatisfactory experimental function homogsplit has been removed.
Series in big domains with different climate regimes can be split providing
code lists to datsubset().
- New tools: fix.sunshine to prune any excess in sunshine hours produced in
adjusted daily series; and QCthresholds to obtain monthly quantiles of
extreme values, increments between consecutive values and sequences of
identical values.
- Added graphic products to display two dimensional scaterplots,
Intensity-Duration-Frequency diagrams, diagrams of running trends on time
windows of different lengths, Months-Hours isopleths and meteograms.
climatol 2018-05-04
- Checking that station codes are not duplicated and do not include the '-'
- Important bug correction.
climatol 2018-04-15
- New file conversion functions daily2climatol(), rclimdex2climatol and
- New function datsubset() to subset data into new input files.
- Bug correction in homogsplit().
- Bigger labels in graphics.
climatol 2016-08-27
- Many novelties, with new functions (to prepare the input data from ODBC
accessible data bases, to obtain grids from the homogenized series, etc) and
new functionalities added to others.
- The package is now able to deal with daily data, and can honor stations
metadata. (Be aware that some parameters change their names to be more
climatol 2013-11-01
- Bug fixed: a global color re-assignment resulted in abnormal halt under most
O.S.+latest R combination.
climatol 2013-10-01
- Code optimization allows the process to be completed in around half the time
of the previous version.
- Original series can be labeled as homogeneous to keep them unchanged.
- Some parameters have more meaningful names (the old are kept for backward
compatibility), and a couple default values have been changed.
- dahstat() has a new option to yield the homogenized series in individual text
- A map is drawn in the station location figure if the package 'maps' is
climatol 2011-06-05
- Corrected bugs in distance and trend computations and an improved convergence
in the missing data recomputation yiel much better homogenization results.
climatol 2011-01-25
- Too many to be explained here. The main novelty is the homogen() function,
for an automated homogenization of climatological series.
- Other functions have been changed or replaced, so you cannot expect
compatibility with the 1.x versions.
climatol 2006-10-06
- Change of 'b0C' by just 'C' to avoid non-ascii characters warnings in the R
checking process of the package.
- Update of the PDF poster of the documentation.
climatol 2006-05-26
- Workaround to avoid 'Error: NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments',
produced when using option sqrtrans=TRUE in function depudm() since R version
- Minor corrections in the documentation.
01-Nov-2004, version 1.0:
- First public release.